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Waterjet Cutting
Company News Our People English GlobalKeeping our employees safe
At GMA, we believe that all the employees have the right to go home unharmed after every shift.
In August last year, GMA Dubai based employees attended a general safety awareness training session as part of the Group’s safety initiatives to provide our employees a general understanding on health and safety at the workplace.
Trainers from a government authorised training provider covered key areas on workplace Health & Safety as well as GMA’s Lifesaving Rules and Global Safety Policy. The training was also conducted in different languages to cater for participants from different geographical regions.
Part of the programme includes a site visit by the trainers to our facilities to gain a better understanding of the processes and procedures. Specific safety hazard areas were also identified and highlighted during the training. Participants found the session interesting as it heightens their awareness on the potential safety hazards in their work space.
The training was well received by the employees and most importantly, it will help them perform their work more safely. We have also extend this training to our third party transporter who frequents our facilities for loading & offloading of material.
By Ajay Thanki, Dubai