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Waterjet Cutting
Waterjet Cutting English Global ProjectsGreater cost savings for Outokumpu waterjet cutting operations
Global stainless steel producer Outokumpu has switched to using GMA Garnet™ abrasives after experiencing greater overall cost savings from their waterjet cutting operations.
By switching to GMA Garnet™, the overall garnet consumption rate was reduced by three per cent.
Moreover, the consistency and quality of GMA Garnet™ ensure high performance cutting and minimal interruptions to their operations.
“Our technical experts also recommended machine recalibration and cutting tests, and the installation of a smaller metering disc. We managed to reduce their garnet consumption rate further by another seven per cent,” GMA Sales Manager Kjeld Lauritzen said.
“These adjustments also prolong the equipment lifespan through less wear and tear on their waterjet machine fittings,” Kjeld added.
Outokumpu is the global leader in stainless steel products with production facilities located in Europe and America including a sales and service centre network worldwide.
From left: GMA CEO Stephen Gobby, GMA Sales Manager Kjeld Lauritzen with Outokumpu Manager Operations Production Andreas Fagerds.
By Jasmine Seah, GMA Group