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Waterjet Cutting
Abrasive Blasting English Global ProjectsGarnet recovery for BorWin3 project in Dubai
GMA supplied GMA PremiumBlast garnet for the fabrication of the BorWin3 project by Drydocks World in Dubai.
The company has successfully secured the contract for the fabrication, commissioning and load out of the BorWin Gamma platform which houses a High-Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) station. It converts alternating current generated from offshore wind farms in the North Sea before transmitting the clean power supply to the mainland of Germany.
The BorWin3 is one of the largest offshore projects under construction in the United Arab Emirates with a fabrication site area of 5 km2 (1.9 mi2) and over 1,500 workers working on the platform during peak period.
“The garnet recovery programme is part of our value added service and support to Drydocks World. We appreciate their commitment to environmental sustainability and excellence in their operations,” Ajay said.
In addition, GMA received a No Objection Certification from the Dubai Municipality to collect used garnet from Drydocks World, and we appreciate the Municipality’s support in this programme.
In August this year, the fabrication of the platform topside was completed and ready to be shipped to the North Sea. The six-storey structure is one of the world’s heaviest and largest HVDC platforms. The 20,000 tonnes platform is as large as half a football pitch.
Once the platform goes online in 2019, it will transmit approximately 900 megawatts of electricity - providing enough clean wind power to supply the annual electricity consumption of more than one million German households.