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Waterjet Cutting
Company News Our Community English AustraliaDrought Relief for Australian Farmers
It has been a rough time for Australian farmers. July 2018 was the second-hottest month on record, and the driest since 2002.
This came on the heels of over 15 months of below average rainfall across the states of New South Wales, central Queensland, the north-west of Victoria and into South Australia. All of these conditions have created one of the worst Australian droughts in living history, with no end in sight. Paddocks are bare, leaving livestock producers and dairy farmers all needing supplies.
In response to this, GMA and BlastOne International - GMA's distributor in Eastern Australia initiated a drought relief campaign from 13 August to 12 September this year to support the farmers who are the backbone of the country.
“Together with Blastone, we have pledged to donate AUD$100 for every order of four tonnes of GMA Garnet™ purchased via BlastOne,” GMA Executive General Manager Global Marketing Peta Thompson said.
“The funds raised will be used to purchase hay for livestock. A single donation of AUD$100 can sustain a cow for one month,” Peta added.
Within the promotion period, we have successfully raised AUD$50,800 for the farmers, and we like to thank our customers for their support in this campaign.
The hay supplies were delivered by the Western Australian charity Rapid Relief Team (RRT). The RRT has committed to transporting 20 road trains of hay from Western Australia to the affected areas in Eastern Australia.
By Anthony Burns, Perth