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GMA showcases abrasives range at National AST Conference

Written by GMA Garnet | 12/16/2023
The 16th National Aboveground Storage Tank Conference & Trade Show, Texas, stands as a pivotal event in the ever-evolving landscape of aboveground storage tank (AST) management.

The event brought together Storage Tanks Asset Owners, Contractors, Inspectors, and over 90 exhibiting companies, providing the ideal platform for the GMA Americas' team to engage with existing customers and key decision-makers, while establishing connections with new prospects.

Productive conversations with attendees unveiled several upcoming projects in the Gulf region, highlighting the industry's continued growth and GMA's pivotal role in shaping its future.

A focal point of interest at the GMA booth was the Garnet Return Program. The program, aimed at enhancing sustainability in the storage tank industry, captured the attention of visitors seeking comprehensive solutions for their projects.